Anna and I have been friends since freshman year of college so it was of course an honor to take portraits of her kids. I’ve known these two since practically the day they were each born. They have such personalities and we had so much fun laughing and playing in the sunshine.
The love and snuggles came naturally. As always.
The picture below is one of Anna and my favorites. It’s just SO much their personality. This is what Anna wrote on Facebook: “THis might actually be my favorite shot – NOT because it is the nicest picture of the 2 of them, but because Christine McKee Photography actual got what THEY are…..Lukas ticked at some little thing Adelaine did (like talk incessantly or boss him around) and her just laughing and still loving him just as surely as ever…and still talking…and bossing him around.” *smile* I was having them doing lots of hand holding and hugging to get their heads close together, like in the pics above, and I knew I had a small window before the arms around each other turned to annoyance, as it would for many siblings. And sure enough….
Classic. 🙂